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    boramin Ca

    » Range » boramin Ca
    boramin Ca

    boramin Ca

    Boramin Ca is an easily and rapidly assimilated biostimulant high in Calcium with added Boron and  L-α Free amino acids. The unique formulation helps prevent and correct Calcium imbalances throughout the crop growth cycle. Prevent common disorders such as:
    • ●  Blossom end rot
    • ●  Bitter pit in pome
    • ●  Tip burn in leafy vegetables
    • ●  Cracking and disfigurement of skin

    • Main benefits:
    • What are Amino Acids?
    • SDS
    • Calcium results in firmer fruit and skin that has a healthier appearance
    • Free Amino Acids increase Boron (B) and Calcium (Ca) absorption and translocation by plants
    • This unique combination ensures rapid uptake, assimilation and translocation of Ca
    • Decreased fruit drop and abortions lead to a more consistently sized harvest
    • Balanced complement of Free Amino Acids to reduce stress and aid plant’s natural defences.
    • Highly compatible with most commonly used agrochemicals and fertilizers.

    Plants, like all living organisms need a combination of nutrients (elements) for growth. These nutrients can only be used by the plant for growth and yield if the nutrients are in a form, or converted by the plant into a form, that the plant can use. A good example is to think of a raw potato. If humans eat a raw potato it it does not provide much nutrition, but when it is cooked it becomes easily digestibility and is very nutritious.

    The main component of growing plants are proteins and sugars. The principal component of proteins (and some sugars) are usually different combinations of Amino Acids.

    Amino Acids are therefore very important compounds:

    • ● Amino Acids are the form of nutrient that the plant can use immediately for growth and yield
      without having to change how the nutrient is presented (think of the cooked potato example above)
    • ● >500 different amino acids have been identified to date
    • ● most of these 500 Amino Acids can be made from different combinations of about 20 unique
      building block Amino Acids
    • ● if a plant has enough of these 20 building block Amino Acids it can synthesis any of the more
      complex 500 amino acids much quicker and easier and also uses less energy
    • ● all proteins and many sugars are made out of different amino acids tied together into long chains
    Simplified diagram representing the relationship between Amino Acids Peptides and Proteins

    Amino Acids form into chains to make Peptides and Proteins 

    Plants have the ability to synthesize these 20 building block amino acids from Carbon and Oxygen (air), water (rainfall & irrigation) and Nitrogen from the soil, manure or fertiliser:

      • ● most of this synthesis occurs in the green leaf of the plant
      • ● Carbon and Oxygen are provided in air and water
      • ● synthetic fertiliser must first be converted into Organic Nitrogen before the plant can use it
      • ● Organic Nitrogen is a key element contained inside every Amino Acid
    • This is why young plants (which have small or only a few leaves) find it difficult to recover from a setback as they do not have enough leaves to manufacture Amino Acids to de-stress the plant
    • ● making building block Amino Acids in the leaf uses plant energy (energy that could be used to make yield)
    • ● plants do not use Nitrogen fertiliser in the form it was supplied (urea, ammonia, nitrate)
    • ● plants first insert the Nitrogen into building block Amino Acids converting it into Organic Nitrogen which is a form of Nitrogen usable by plants

    Usually a plant can produce enough building block Amino Acids from the synthetic fertiliser and manure Nitrogen but in times of:

    • ● rapid growth e.g. early emergence, stem elongation, flowering, fruit set
    • ● poor climatic conditions e.g. drought, hydric, heat and cold
    • ● herbicide, growth regulator and other agrochemical applications

    the plant needs to synthesise a lot of Amino Acids to deal with the stressful growing conditions. Plant growth slows down while the plant diverts energy into making Amino Acids to alleviate the stressful conditions. Yield and quality are reduced as a result.

    By supplying Amino Acids and Organic Nitrogen to the plant before or during these crucial stressful stages the plant can continue its maximum growth and yield potential without setback.

    As stressful events occur continuously throughout the growing season best results are achieved by applying Amino Acids little and often rather than one single large application.

    However all building block amino acids are not the same. The only building block Amino Acids that are immediately useful to the plant are the L-α free amino acids (L-alpha Free Amino Acids).

    OHS management is easy with Tradecorp:

    • All Tradecorp SDS are fully GHS compliant
    • For easy management of Tradecorp SDS please visit: QuickSDS
    • Once you enter your email address and have downloaded the SDS for the product you will be automatically emailed whenever the SDS is updated in the future
    • This ensures your OHS paperwork is easily kept up to date

    A few tips on using QuickSDS:

    1. On the home page enter your:
      • Company Name
      • Your Name
      • Your email address
    1. Supplier Name: Tradecorp
      • No need for Customer Code
    1. Select: Trade Corporation Australia
    1. Enter the product name in the search box
    1. Click on the Product SDS you want
    1. Once you click and open an SDS you will be automatically emailed if that SDS is updated in the future