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    트레이드코프 트레이드코프는 식물 영양 특히, 미량요소와 식물 생장촉진제 분야 전문 회사입니다. 1985년 스페인에서 설립된 트레이드코프는 농업분야에서 특수 영양 제품을 제조하고 유통하고 있습니다. 트레이드코프는 1926년 이래 광산 및 화학 분야 사업을 운영하고 있는 Sapec 그룹의 일원입니다.  그룹의 연간 매출액은 약 6,800억원(한화 기준)입니다.     트레이드코프 APAC 트레이드코프 아시아 태평양 (APAC) 지역 사무실은 한국, 호주 및 인도에 영업, […]

    Pralumus Bare Roots: Root dressing for successful transplanting

    Pralumus Bare Roots is an exclusive innovation for root dressing, designed for easy application at plantation or transplantation of naked root seedlings.

    Tradecorp joins the United Nations Global Compact

    In January, Tradecorp signed a commitment letter to join the Global Compact. Thus, Tradecorp is committed to align its operations and strategy with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

    Global Compact: Tradecorp presents its Communication on Progress 2012

    As a Global Compact participant, Tradecorp is presenting its Communication on Progress (COP) for 2012. In this document, we describe the actions that have been carried out in 2012 to respect and enact the 10 principles in the Global Compact.

    Tradecorp Brasil launches the Somar programme

    This programme, designed by Tradecorp, endeavours to train collaborators in sales and to retain talent in the face of the new challenges that the company must confront.

    Tradecorp – 8th best company to work in Mexico according to GPTW

    The Great Place to Work ranking has classified Tradecorp México as the 8th best company to work in from 50 to 500 collaborators and the 1st company in the Centre-West region in 2013.

    Clients from the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and South Africa participate in the Tradecorp School

    A new edition of the Tradecorp School, an event that gathers clients from the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and South Africa, has been celebrated in Spain.

    Tradecorp in Agritechnica (Hannover, Germany)

    Tradecorp will be present at Agritechnica, the world’s leading international exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment. In its first participation in this event, Tradecorp shares stand with RS Trading GmbH, the market leader company in Germany for bulk blend technology.

    Tradecorp’s new corporate identity

    Tradecorp has renewed its corporate identity so as to evolve towards a single global and solid image to represent the company in all the markets where it operates.

    Tradecorp launches its new website

    In with the updating of its corporate identity, Tradecorp has launched its new website which has been developed and adapted to the online world.