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    » News » Corporate news » Tradecorp visited the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation for its Different and Responsible Day

    Tradecorp visited the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation for its Different and Responsible Day

    The 12th of November, a part of the Madrid Team, Laboratories and Factories celebrated its Different and Responsible Day, together with the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation, which works for the integration of persons with intellectual disabilities in the society.

    The Different and Responsible Day is celebrated annually and it gathers the teams of Madrid office, Laboratories and Factories. At this event, the attendees participate in social responsibility activities, while strengthening cohesion and team building. This year, the Tradecorp team had the opportunity to share such a special day with the members of the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation, association based in Madrid and working for the rights and the integration of persons with intellectual disabilities in the society.

    The attendees at this event could meet the day-to-day of the people working in the foundation and shared with them their work. This way, the team members, guided and helped by the persons with intellectual disabilities, learned to carry out various daily activities of the foundation, such as fabrication of furniture, organization and cleaning of letter bags, preparation of candies’ pies or vegetable-garden work and management, just to mention a few activities undertaken. The day finished with the delivery of diplomas to all the volunteers who participated in this day of exchange and friendliness.